Fluke Corporation MET/CAL Procedure ============================================================================= INSTRUMENT: Tek 2445: (1 year) CAL VER /5011,6060 DATE: 13-Mar-95 AUTHOR: Fluke Corporation REVISION: $Revision: 2.3 $ ADJUSTMENT THRESHOLD: 70% NUMBER OF TESTS: 315 NUMBER OF LINES: 1597 CONFIGURATION: Tektronix CG5011 CONFIGURATION: Fluke 6060B ============================================================================= # # Source: # Tektronix 2445 Oscilloscope Service Manual 070-3829-00, Revised Jan 1985 # # Compatibility: # 5500/CAL 4.0 or MET/CAL 4.0 or later # # Subprocedures: # Sub Tektronix 2445 (1 year) CAL VER #1 /5011 # Sub Tektronix 2445 (1 year) CAL VER #2 /5011 # Sub Tektronix 2445 (1 year) CAL VER #3 /5011 # # Required Files: # None # # System Specifications: # TUR calculation is based on specification interval of the accuracy file. # The default CG 5011 and 6060B accuracy files contains 90 day specs. # # Fluke makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the fitness # or suitability of this procedure in the customer's application. # STEP FSC RANGE NOMINAL TOLERANCE MOD1 MOD2 3 4 CON 1.001 ASK- N P J F W 1.002 ASK+ R D 1.003 HEAD PREPARATION 1.004 DISP Connect the instrument to line power and turn it on. 1.005 HEAD {POWER-UP TESTS} 1.006 MESS Does the top line of the readout display say: 1.007 EVAL "DIAGNSTIC. PUSH A/B TRIG TO EXIT" [N] 1.008 OPBR Is the error message on the bottom line of the display 1.008 OPBR "TEST 04 FAIL xx" where "xx" is 01, 10 or 11? 1.009 JMPF 1.012 1.010 DISP The instrument is out of cal. 1.010 DISP Perform Tektronix 2445 CAL ADJ to recalibrate. 1.011 END 1.012 DISP A hardware failure has been detected, the instrument 1.013 DISP must be repaired before attempting calibration. 1.014 END 2.001 MESS 2.002 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 2.003 SET Channels : 1;On 2;On 3;On 4;On 2.003 SET ADD : Off 2.003 SET INVERT : Off 2.003 SET ALT/CHOP : ALT 2.003 SET BW LIMIT : Off 2.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 1 : 1V 2.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 2 : 1V 2.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 3 : 0.1V 2.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 4 : 0.1V 2.004 SET Input Coupling CH 1 : 1 MOhm GND 2.004 SET Input Coupling CH 2 : 1 MOhm GND 2.004 SET Channels : 1;On 2;Off 3;Off 4;Off 2.005 SET A and B SEC/DIV : 10ms 2.005 SET X10 MAG : Off 2.005 SET Delta : V and t Off 2.005 SET TRACKING : INDEP 2.005 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO LVL, VERT, DC 2.006 DISP A/B TRIG SELECT : A 2.006 DISP CH 1 VAR : In detent (locked CW) 2.006 DISP CH 2 VAR : In detent (locked CW) 2.006 DISP A and B SEC/DIV VAR : In detent (locked CW) 2.007 DISP TRIG HOLDOFF : fully CCW 2.007 DISP TRIG LEVEL : Midrange 2.008 HEAD {CH 1 AND CH 2, 50Ohm OVERLOAD PROTECTION} 2.009 OPBR These tests require a 20V DC Power Supply. 2.009 OPBR Do you wish to perform the test? 2.010 JMPT 2.013 2.011 RSLT =****** NOT TESTED ****** 2.012 JMP 6.003 2.013 HEAD {CH 1 50 Ohm OVERLOAD PROTECTION} 2.014 DISP Connect the Power Supply to the UUT Channel 1 2.014 DISP using a dual banana to BNC adapter and a BNC cable. 2.015 DISP Using the CH 1 VERTICAL POSITION control, position the 2.015 DISP trace on the bottom horizontal graticule line. 2.016 SET Input Coupling CH 1 : 1 MOhm DC 2.017 DISP Turn the Power Supply on. 2.017 DISP Adjust the Power Supply output level until the CH 1 2.017 DISP trace rises to 1 division above the center graticule 2.017 DISP line (+5V). 2.018 SET Input Coupling CH 1 : 50 Ohm DC 2.019 MESS For a period of one minute, did the readout display 2.020 EVAL indicate any overload condition (50 Ohm OVERLOAD)? [N] 3.001 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 1 : 5V 3.001 SET Input Coupling CH 1 : 1 MOhm DC 3.002 DISP Increase the Power Supply output level until the CH 1 3.002 DISP trace rises to the center graticule line (+20V). 3.003 DISP ************************ CAUTION *********************** 3.003 DISP To prevent damage to the input circuitry when in 3.003 DISP 50 Ohm DC, the 20V source must not be applied to the 3.003 DISP CH1 or X input for longer than 15 seconds. If automatic 3.003 DISP OVERLOAD switching does not occur within 15 seconds, 3.003 DISP turn the Power Supply off immediately. 3.004 SET Input Coupling CH 1 : 50 Ohm DC 3.005 MESS Approximately 10 seconds after the CH 1 input coupling 3.005 MESS switch was set to 50 Ohm DC, did the readout display 3.005 MESS indicate "50 Ohm OVERLOAD", the CH 1 Input Coupling 3.005 MESS switch change to 1 MOhm GND automatically, and the 3.006 EVAL trace return to the bottom horizontal graticule line? 4.001 DISP Set the Power Supply to 0V. 4.001 DISP Clear the OVERLOAD condition by pressing up on the CH 1 4.001 DISP Input Coupling switch. 4.002 HEAD {CH 2 50Ohm OVERLOAD PROTECTION} 4.003 SET Channels : 1;Off 2;On 3;Off 4;Off 4.004 DISP Connect the Power Supply to the UUT Channel 2 4.004 DISP using a dual banana to BNC adapter and a BNC cable. 4.005 DISP Using the CH 2 VERTICAL POSITION control, position the 4.005 DISP trace on the bottom horizontal graticule line. 4.006 SET Input Coupling CH 2 : 1 MOhm DC 4.007 DISP Adjust the Power Supply output level until the CH 2 4.007 DISP trace rises to 1 division above the center graticule 4.007 DISP line (+5V). 4.008 SET Input Coupling CH 2 : 50 Ohm DC 4.009 MESS For a period of one minute, did the readout display 4.010 EVAL indicate any overload condition (50 Ohm OVERLOAD)? [N] 5.001 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 2 : 5V 5.001 SET Input Coupling CH 2 : 1 MOhm DC 5.002 DISP Increase the Power Supply output level until the CH 2 5.002 DISP trace rises to the center graticule line (+20V). 5.003 DISP ************************ CAUTION *********************** 5.003 DISP To prevent damage to the input circuitry when in 5.003 DISP 50 Ohm DC, the 20V source must not be applied to the 5.003 DISP CH2 input for longer than 15 seconds. If automatic 5.003 DISP OVERLOAD switching does not occur within 15 seconds, 5.003 DISP turn the Power Supply off immediately. 5.004 SET Input Coupling CH 2 : 50 Ohm DC 5.005 MESS Approximately 10 seconds after the CH 2 input coupling 5.005 MESS switch was set to 50 Ohm DC, did the readout display 5.005 MESS indicate "50 Ohm OVERLOAD", the CH 2 Input Coupling 5.005 MESS switch change to 1 MOhm GND automatically, and the 5.006 EVAL trace return to the bottom horizontal graticule line? 6.001 MESS 6.002 DISP Clear the OVERLOAD condition by pressing up on the CH 2 6.002 DISP Input Coupling switch. 6.002 DISP Turn off the Power Supply & disconnect it from the UUT. 6.003 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 6.004 SET Channels : 1;On 2;On 3;Off 4;Off 6.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 1 : 0.1V 6.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 2 : 0.1V 6.005 SET Input Coupling CH 1 : 1 MOhm GND 6.005 SET Input Coupling CH 2 : 1 MOhm GND 6.005 SET Channels : 1;On 2;Off 3;Off 4;Off 6.005 SET A and B SEC/DIV : 10ms 6.006 HEAD {CH 1 LOW-FREQUENCY AC COUPLING} 6.007 DISP Connect the UUT CALIBRATOR output signal to the 6.007 DISP CH 1 or X input using a 1X probe. 6.008 DISP Position the ground-reference trace 2 divisions below 6.008 DISP the center horizontal graticule line. 6.009 SET Input Coupling CH 1 : 1 MOhm DC 6.010 MESS Is the displayed signal vertically centered with an 6.011 EVAL an amplitude of 3.88 to 4.12 divisions? 7.001 SET Input Coupling CH 1 : 1 MOhm GND 7.002 OPBR Is CH 1 Input Coupling on upper 1 MOhm GND position? 7.003 JMPT 7.005 7.004 DISP Set CH 1 Input Coupling on upper 1 MOhm GND position. 7.005 DISP Using the CH 1 POSITION control, align the trace on the 7.005 DISP center horizontal graticule line. 7.006 SET Input Coupling CH 1 : 1 MOhm AC 7.007 MESS Is displayed signal a tilted square wave, 4.36 to 5.37 7.008 EVAL divisions in amplitude, vertically centered on the graticule? 8.001 HEAD {CH 2 LOW-FREQUENCY AC COUPLING} 8.002 DISP Move the probe to the CH 2 input. 8.003 SET Channels : 1;Off 2;On 3;Off 4;Off 8.004 DISP Position the ground-reference trace 2 divisions below 8.004 DISP the center horizontal graticule line. 8.005 SET Input Coupling CH 2 : 1 MOhm DC 8.006 MESS Is the displayed signal vertically centered with an 8.007 EVAL an amplitude of 3.88 to 4.12 divisions? 9.001 SET Input Coupling CH 2 : 1 MOhm GND 9.002 OPBR Is CH 2 Input Coupling on upper 1 MOhm GND position? 9.003 JMPT 9.005 9.004 DISP Set CH 2 Input Coupling on upper 1 MOhm GND position. 9.005 DISP Using the CH 2 POSITION control, align the trace on the 9.005 DISP center horizontal graticule line. 9.006 SET Input Coupling CH 2 : 1 MOhm AC 9.007 MESS Is displayed signal a tilted square wave, 4.36 to 5.37 9.008 EVAL divisions in amplitude, vertically centered on the graticule? 10.001 MESS 10.002 DISP Disconnect the probe from the UUT. 10.003 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 10.004 SET Channels : 1;On 2;On 3;Off 4;Off 10.004 SET BW LIMIT : On 10.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 1 : 2mV 10.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 2 : 2mV 10.004 SET Input Coupling CH 1 : 1 MOhm AC 10.004 SET Input Coupling CH 2 : 1 MOhm AC 10.004 SET A and B SEC/DIV : 1ms 10.005 SET Delta : V On 10.005 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO, VERT, DC 10.006 HEAD {VOLTS/DIV, INVERT, DELTA V, TRIG LVL, AND ADD} 10.007 DISP ************************* NOTE ************************* 10.007 DISP The instrument must have had at least 20 minutes warmup 10.007 DISP prior to performing the following steps. 10.008 DISP Press up and momentarily hold the CH 1 and CH 2 Input 10.008 DISP Coupling switches in the their 1 MOhm AC positions 10.008 DISP until a moving dot display replaces the normal signal 10.008 DISP and readout displays (for approximately 15 seconds). 10.008 DISP This performs a DC Balance of CH 1 and CH 2. 10.009 OPBR Has the readout display returned to normal? 10.010 SET Input Coupling CH 1 : 1 MOhm DC 10.010 SET Input Coupling CH 2 : 1 MOhm DC 10.011 DISP A and B SEC/DIV : 1ms 10.011 DISP TRIGGER : +, AUTO, VERT, DC 10.012 MEM2 =1 10.013 SET Channels : 1;On 2;Off 3;Off 4;Off 10.014 CALL Sub Tektronix 2445 (1 year) CAL VER #1 /5011 10.015 JMP 11.001 10.016 EVAL dummy 11.001 CALL Sub Tektronix 2445 (1 year) CAL VER #2 /5011 11.002 JMP 12.001 11.003 EVAL dummy 12.001 MEM2 =2 12.002 SET Channels : 1;Off 2;On 3;Off 4;Off 12.003 CALL Sub Tektronix 2445 (1 year) CAL VER #1 /5011 12.004 JMP 13.001 12.005 EVAL dummy 13.001 CALL Sub Tektronix 2445 (1 year) CAL VER #2 /5011 13.002 JMP 14.001 13.003 EVAL dummy 14.001 DISP Rotate the REF or DLY POS control CCW until the 14.001 DISP cursor stops moving. 14.002 EVAL Is {cursor aligned with bottom graticule line}? +/-0.2 div. 15.001 DISP Rotate the control CW until the cursor stops 15.001 DISP moving. 15.002 EVAL Is {cursor aligned with top graticule line}? (+/-0.2 div.) 16.001 SET INVERT : On 16.002 EVAL Is there a {down-arrow left of the CH 2 VOLTS/DIV readout}? 17.001 5011 250mVpp 1kH -D S 17.002 EVAL Is the {display amplitude 4.9 to 5.1 divisions}? 18.001 DISP Connect the CG5011 Pulse Head to UUT Channel 1 and 2 18.001 DISP using a BNC T and two BNC cables. 18.002 SET Channels : 1;Off 2;Off 3;Off 4;Off 18.002 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 1 : 2V 18.002 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 2 : 2V 18.002 SET ADD : On 18.002 SET INVERT : Off 18.003 5011 250mVpp 1kH -D S 18.004 EVAL Is {vertical deflection amplitude 4.9 to 5.1 divisions}? 19.001 5011 250mVpp 1kH -D S 19.002 SET INVERT : On 19.003 EVAL Is {signal amplitude 0.2 divisions or less}? 20.001 DISP Disconnect the PULSE HEAD from the UUT. 20.002 MEM2 =3 20.003 SET Channels : 1;Off 2;Off 3;On 4;Off 20.004 CALL Sub Tektronix 2445 (1 year) CAL VER #3 /5011 20.005 JMP 21.001 20.006 EVAL dummy 21.001 MEM2 =4 21.002 SET Channels : 1;Off 2;Off 3;Off 4;On 21.003 CALL Sub Tektronix 2445 (1 year) CAL VER #3 /5011 21.004 JMP 22.001 21.005 EVAL dummy 22.001 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 22.002 SET Channels : 1;On 2;On 3;Off 4;Off 22.002 SET Input Coupling CH 1 : 50 Ohm DC 22.002 SET Input Coupling CH 2 : 50 Ohm DC 22.002 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 1 : .1V 22.002 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 2 : .1V 22.002 SET BW LIMIT : Off 22.002 SET A and B SEC/DIV : 1us 22.002 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO, CH 1, DC 22.003 HEAD {CH 2 DELAY} 22.004 DISP Connect the CG5011 Pulse Head to UUT Channel 1 and 2 22.004 DISP using a BNC T and two BNC cables. 22.005 5011 1.1Vpp 100kH -D FE S L 22.006 DISP Use either the CH1 or CH 2 VAR control to match signal 22.006 DISP amplitude between both channels. 22.007 SET A and B SEC/DIV : 10ns 22.007 SET X10 MAG : On 22.008 DISP Use the Horizontal Position control to move the rising 22.008 DISP edge of the CH 1 and CH 2 displays to graticule center. 22.008 DISP Pull the B SEC/DIV knob out to activate the CH 2 DLY. 22.009 OPBR Does the display indicate "CH 2 DLY - TURN "? 22.010 JMPF 23.004 22.011 MESS Will the delta control position the CH 2 display 1/2 22.012 EVAL division or more (500ps) to either side of the CH 1 display? 23.001 MESS 23.002 5011 1.1Vpp 100kH -D FE S L 23.003 DISP Superimpose the rising edges of the pulses using the 23.003 DISP delta control. 23.004 SET X10 MAG : Off 23.005 DISP Push in the B SEC/DIV knob. 23.006 5011 * S 23.007 DISP Disconnect the PULSE HEAD from the UUT. 23.008 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 23.009 SET A and B SEC/DIV : 50us 23.009 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO, VERT, DC 23.010 DISP CH 1 VAR : In detent (locked CW) 23.010 DISP CH 2 VAR : In detent (locked CW) 23.011 MEM2 =CH 1 23.012 HEAD {VERTICAL BANDWIDTH: CH 1} 23.013 DISP Connect the 606xx to UUT Channel 1 using a type N to 23.013 DISP BNC adapter and a BNC cable. 23.014 SET Channels : 1;On 2;Off 3;Off 4;Off 23.015 ASK+ N 23.016 6060 2 12mVpp 0U 100kH N L 23.017 ASK- N 23.018 MESS Adjust the frequency for an amplitude of 4.25 divisions. 23.019 6060 80MH -300% mVpp -D L 24.001 MESS 24.002 ASK+ N 24.003 6060 20 120mVpp 0U 100kH N L 24.004 ASK- N 24.005 MESS Adjust the frequency for an amplitude of 4.25 divisions. 24.006 6060 80MH -300% mVpp -D L 25.001 MESS 25.002 ASK+ N 25.003 6060 0.5 2.0Vpp 0U 100kH N L 25.004 ASK- N 25.005 MESS Adjust the frequency for an amplitude of 2.82 divisions. 25.006 6060 80MH -300% Vpp -D L 26.001 MESS 26.002 ASK+ N 26.003 6060 1 2.0Vpp 0U 100kH N L 26.004 ASK- N 26.005 MESS Adjust the frequency for an amplitude of 1.42 divisions. 26.006 6060 80MH -300% Vpp -D L 27.001 MESS 27.002 MEM2 =CH 2 27.003 HEAD {VERTICAL BANDWIDTH: CH 2} 27.004 DISP Connect the 606xx to UUT Channel 2 using a type N to 27.004 DISP BNC adapter and a BNC cable. 27.005 SET Channels : 1;Off 2;On 3;Off 4;Off 27.006 ASK+ N 27.007 6060 2 12mVpp 0U 100kH N L 27.008 ASK- N 27.009 MESS Adjust the frequency for an amplitude of 4.25 divisions. 27.010 6060 80MH -300% mVpp -D L 28.001 MESS 28.002 ASK+ N 28.003 6060 20 120mVpp 0U 100kH N L 28.004 ASK- N 28.005 MESS Adjust the frequency for an amplitude of 4.25 divisions. 28.006 6060 80MH -300% mVpp -D L 29.001 MESS 29.002 ASK+ N 29.003 6060 0.5 2.0Vpp 0U 100kH N L 29.004 ASK- N 29.005 MESS Adjust the frequency for an amplitude of 2.82 divisions. 29.006 6060 80MH -300% Vpp -D L 30.001 MESS 30.002 ASK+ N 30.003 6060 1 2.0Vpp 0U 100kH N L 30.004 ASK- N 30.005 MESS Adjust the frequency for an amplitude of 1.42 divisions. 30.006 6060 80MH -300% Vpp -D L 31.001 MESS 31.002 ASK- R 31.003 MEM2 =CH 3 31.004 HEAD {VERTICAL BANDWIDTH: CH 3} 31.005 DISP Attach the standard-accessory 10X probe (supplied with 31.005 DISP the instrument) to the CH 3 input and the probe tip to 31.005 DISP the UUT CALIBRATOR output. 31.006 SET Channels : 1;Off 2;Off 3;On 4;Off 31.006 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 3 : .1V 31.006 SET A and B SEC/DIV : 1ms 31.007 DISP Adjust probe compensation for the best flat top on the 31.007 DISP square-wave signal display. 31.008 DISP Disconnect the probe tip from the UUT CALIBRATOR output. 31.008 DISP Remove the grabber tip from the probe, unscrew and 31.008 DISP remove the plastic barrel, and install a mini probe tip 31.008 DISP to BNC adapter. 31.009 DISP Connect the 606xx to the BNC adapter using a type N to 31.009 DISP BNC adapter, a BNC cable, and a 50 Ohm terminator. 31.010 SET A and B SEC/DIV : 50us 31.011 ASK+ N 31.012 6060 100 2.5Vpp 0U 100kH N L 31.013 ASK- N 31.014 MESS Adjust the frequency for an amplitude of 1.75 divisions. 31.015 6060 80MH -300% mVpp -D L 32.001 MESS 32.002 MEM2 =CH 4 32.003 HEAD {VERTICAL BANDWIDTH: CH 4} 32.004 DISP Attach the standard-accessory 10X probe (supplied with 32.004 DISP the instrument) to the CH 4 input and the probe tip to 32.004 DISP the UUT CALIBRATOR output. 32.005 SET Channels : 1;Off 2;Off 3;Off 4;On 32.005 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 4 : .1V 32.005 SET A and B SEC/DIV : 1ms 32.006 DISP Adjust probe compensation for the best flat top on the 32.006 DISP square-wave signal display. 32.007 DISP Disconnect the probe tip from the UUT CALIBRATOR output. 32.007 DISP Remove the grabber tip from the probe, unscrew and 32.007 DISP remove the plastic barrel, and install a mini probe tip 32.007 DISP to BNC adapter. 32.008 DISP Connect the 606xx to the BNC adapter using a type N to 32.008 DISP BNC adapter, a BNC cable, and a 50 Ohm terminator. 32.009 SET A and B SEC/DIV : 50us 32.010 ASK+ N 32.011 6060 50 200mVpp 0U 100kH N L 32.012 ASK- N 32.013 MESS Adjust the frequency for an amplitude of 2.82 divisions. 32.014 6060 80MH -300% mVpp -D L 33.001 MESS 33.002 DISP Disconnect the 606xx from the UUT. 33.003 ASK+ N 33.004 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 33.005 SET Channels : 1;On 2;Off 3;Off 4;Off 33.005 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 1 : 10mV 33.005 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 2 : 10mV 33.005 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO LVL, CH 1, DC 33.006 HEAD {COMMON MODE REJECTION RATIO} 33.007 DISP Connect the 606xx to UUT Channel 1 and 2 using a 33.007 DISP type N to BNC adapter, BNC cables, and a BNC T. 33.008 6060 15 120mVpp 0U 100kH N L 33.009 6060 mVpp 100kH -D S L 33.010 SET ADD : On 33.010 SET INVERT : On 33.011 DISP Adjust either the CH 1 VAR control or the CH 2 VAR 33.011 DISP control for a minimum ADD display amplitude while 33.011 DISP leaving the other control in the calibrated position. 33.012 SET A and B SEC/DIV : 20ns 33.013 6060 80MH mVpp -D S L 33.014 MESS Is ADD display amplitude 0.4 divisions or less 33.015 EVAL discounting trace width? 34.001 MESS 34.002 SET ADD : Off 34.002 SET INVERT : Off 34.003 DISP CH 1 VAR : In detent (locked CW) 34.003 DISP CH 2 VAR : In detent (locked CW) 34.004 DISP Disconnect the 606xx from the UUT. 34.005 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 34.006 SET Channels : 1;On 2;On 3;On 4;On 34.006 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 1 : .1V 34.006 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 2 : .1V 34.006 SET ALT/CHOP : ALT 34.006 SET A and B SEC/DIV : 20ns 34.007 MEM2 =CH 1 34.008 HEAD {CHANNEL ISOLATION: CH 1} 34.009 DISP Connect the 606xx to UUT Channel 1 using a type N to 34.009 DISP BNC adapter and a BNC cable. 34.010 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO LVL, CH 1, DC 34.011 6060 0.1 0.8Vpp 0U 100MH N L 34.012 6060 Vpp 100MH -D S L 34.013 MESS Is the {CH 2 display amplitude 0.4 divisions or less} 34.014 EVAL discounting trace width? 35.001 6060 Vpp 100MH -D S L 35.002 MESS Is the {CH 3 display amplitude 0.4 divisions or less} 35.003 EVAL discounting trace width? 36.001 6060 Vpp 100MH -D S L 36.002 MESS Is the {CH 4 display amplitude 0.4 divisions or less} 36.003 EVAL discounting trace width? 37.001 MESS 37.002 MEM2 =CH 2 37.003 HEAD {CHANNEL ISOLATION: CH 2} 37.004 DISP Connect the 606xx to UUT Channel 2 using a type N to 37.004 DISP BNC adapter and a BNC cable. 37.005 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO LVL, CH 2, DC 37.006 6060 0.1 0.8Vpp 0U 100MH N L 37.007 6060 Vpp 100MH -D S L 37.008 MESS Is the {CH 1 display amplitude 0.4 divisions or less} 37.009 EVAL discounting trace width? 38.001 6060 Vpp 100MH -D S L 38.002 MESS Is the {CH 3 display amplitude 0.4 divisions or less} 38.003 EVAL discounting trace width? 39.001 6060 Vpp 100MH -D S L 39.002 MESS Is the {CH 4 display amplitude 0.4 divisions or less} 39.003 EVAL discounting trace width? 40.001 MESS 40.002 MEM2 =CH 3 40.003 HEAD {CHANNEL ISOLATION: CH 3} 40.004 DISP Connect the 606xx to UUT Channel 3 using a type N to 40.004 DISP BNC adapter, a BNC cable, and a 50 Ohm terminator. 40.005 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO LVL, CH 3, DC 40.006 6060 0.1 0.8Vpp 0U 100MH N L 40.007 6060 Vpp 100MH -D S L 40.008 MESS Is the {CH 1 display amplitude 0.16 divisions or less} 40.009 EVAL discounting trace width? 41.001 6060 Vpp 100MH -D S L 41.002 MESS Is the {CH 2 display amplitude 0.16 divisions or less} 41.003 EVAL discounting trace width? 42.001 6060 Vpp 100MH -D S L 42.002 MESS Is the {CH 4 display amplitude 0.16 divisions or less} 42.003 EVAL discounting trace width? 43.001 MESS 43.002 MEM2 =CH 4 43.003 HEAD {CHANNEL ISOLATION: CH 4} 43.004 DISP Connect the 606xx to UUT Channel 4 using a type N to 43.004 DISP BNC adapter, a BNC cable, and a 50 Ohm terminator. 43.005 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO LVL, CH 4, DC 43.006 6060 0.1 0.8Vpp 0U 100MH N L 43.007 6060 Vpp 100MH -D S L 43.008 MESS Is the {CH 1 display amplitude 0.16 divisions or less} 43.009 EVAL discounting trace width? 44.001 6060 Vpp 100MH -D S L 44.002 MESS Is the {CH 2 display amplitude 0.16 divisions or less} 44.003 EVAL discounting trace width? 45.001 6060 Vpp 100MH -D S L 45.002 MESS Is the {CH 3 display amplitude 0.16 divisions or less} 45.003 EVAL discounting trace width? 46.001 MESS 46.002 MEM2 =CH 1 46.003 HEAD {CHANNEL ISOLATION: CH 1} 46.004 DISP Connect the 606xx to UUT Channel 1 using a type N to 46.004 DISP BNC adapter and a BNC cable. 46.005 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO LVL, CH 1, DC 46.006 6060 0.1 0.8Vpp 0U 150MH N L 46.007 6060 Vpp 150MH -D S L 46.008 MESS Is the {CH 2 display amplitude 0.16 divisions or less} 46.009 EVAL discounting trace width? 47.001 6060 Vpp 150MH -D S L 47.002 MESS Is the {CH 3 display amplitude 0.16 divisions or less} 47.003 EVAL discounting trace width? 48.001 6060 Vpp 150MH -D S L 48.002 MESS Is the {CH 4 display amplitude 0.16 divisions or less} 48.003 EVAL discounting trace width? 49.001 MESS 49.002 MEM2 =CH 2 49.003 HEAD {CHANNEL ISOLATION: CH 2} 49.004 DISP Connect the 606xx to UUT Channel 2 using a type N to 49.004 DISP BNC adapter and a BNC cable. 49.005 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO LVL, CH 2, DC 49.006 6060 0.1 0.8Vpp 0U 150MH N L 49.007 6060 Vpp 150MH -D S L 49.008 MESS Is the {CH 1 display amplitude 0.16 divisions or less} 49.009 EVAL discounting trace width? 50.001 6060 Vpp 150MH -D S L 50.002 MESS Is the {CH 3 display amplitude 0.16 divisions or less} 50.003 EVAL discounting trace width? 51.001 6060 Vpp 150MH -D S L 51.002 MESS Is the {CH 4 display amplitude 0.16 divisions or less} 51.003 EVAL discounting trace width? 52.001 MESS 52.002 DISP Disconnect the 606xx from the UUT. 52.003 HEAD {CH 1 AND CH 2 DC BALANCE} 52.004 DISP Press up and hold both the CH 1 and CH 2 Input Coupling 52.004 DISP switches in the 1 MOhm AC position for approximately 52.004 DISP 1 second, then release them. 52.005 MESS Did a moving dot display replace the normal display for 52.005 MESS approximately 10 seconds, then the display returned to 52.006 EVAL normal? 53.001 MESS Is there less than 0.2 divisions + 0.5mV vertical trace 53.001 MESS shift between adjacent settings of the CH 1 and CH 2 53.001 MESS VOLTS/DIV switches as they are rotated through each of 53.002 EVAL their positions? 54.001 MESS Is there less than 1.0 division vertical trace shift as 54.001 MESS the CH 1 and CH 2 VOLTS/DIV VAR controls are rotated 54.002 EVAL fully CCW? 55.001 MESS Is there less than 0.5 division vertical trace shift 55.002 EVAL when the INVERT button is pressed in? 56.001 MESS 56.002 DISP Return the VERTICAL VAR controls to their detent 56.002 DISP positions and turn the CH 2 INVERT button off. 56.003 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 56.004 SET Channels : 1;On 2;Off 3;Off 4;Off 56.004 SET BW LIMIT : On 56.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 1 : 2mV 56.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 2 : 2mV 56.004 SET Input Coupling CH 1 : 50 Ohm DC 56.004 SET Input Coupling CH 2 : 1 MOhm DC 56.004 SET A and B SEC/DIV : 1ms 56.004 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO LVL, VERT, NOISE 56.005 HEAD {CH 2 SIGNAL OUT AND CASCADED OPERATION} 56.006 DISP Connect the CG5011 Pulse Head to UUT Channel 2. 56.006 DISP 56.006 DISP Connect the UUT Channel 2 SIGNAL OUT (on rear) 56.006 DISP to UUT Channel 1 (front). 56.007 5011 2mVpp 1kH -D S 56.008 EVAL Is the display amplitude 4.5 to 5.5 divisions? 57.001 5011 2mVpp 1kH -D S 57.002 SET Input Coupling CH 1 : GND 57.003 DISP Align the trace with the center graticule line. 57.004 SET Input Coupling CH 1 : 50 Ohm DC 57.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 1 : 5mV 57.005 EVAL Is the baseline of the display within 2 div. of the GND ref? 58.001 5011 2mVpp 1kH -D S 58.002 SET Input Coupling CH 1 : 1 MOhm DC 58.003 EVAL Is the display amplitude 3.6 to 4.4 divisions? 59.001 DISP Disconnect the PULSE HEAD from the UUT. 59.002 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 59.003 SET BW LIMIT : Off 59.003 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 1 : 2mV 59.003 SET Input Coupling CH 1 : 50 Ohm DC 59.003 SET Input Coupling CH 2 : 50 Ohm DC 59.004 HEAD {CH 2 SIGNAL OUT AND CASCADED OPERATION} 59.005 DISP Connect the 606xx to UUT Channel 2 using a type N to 59.005 DISP BNC adapter and a BNC cable. 59.006 ASK- R 59.007 ASK+ N 59.008 6060 0.5 3.0mVpp 0U 100kH N L 59.009 ASK- N 59.010 ASK+ R 59.011 MESS Adjust frequency for an amplitude of 4.24 divisions. 59.012 6060 50MH -300% mVpp -D L 60.001 MESS 60.002 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 60.003 SET Channels : 1;Off 2;On 3;Off 4;Off 60.003 SET BW LIMIT : On 60.003 SET A and B SEC/DIV : 50us 60.004 HEAD {BW LIMIT OPERATION} 60.005 ASK+ N 60.006 6060 10 60mVpp 0U 100kH N L 60.007 ASK- N 60.008 MESS Adjust frequency for an amplitude of 4.24 divisions. 60.009 6060 18.5MH 5.5U mVpp -D L 61.001 MESS 61.002 SET BW LIMIT : Off 61.003 DISP Disconnect the 606xx from the UUT and the connection 61.003 DISP from the rear-panel CH 2 SIGNAL OUT to the CH 1 input. 61.004 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 61.005 SET Channels : 1;On 2;Off 3;Off 4;Off 61.005 SET ADD: Off 61.005 SET INVERT : Off 61.005 SET CHOP/ALT : ALT 61.005 SET BW LIMIT : Off 61.006 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 1 : .1V 61.006 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 2 : .1V 61.006 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 3 : .1V 61.006 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 4 : .1V 61.006 SET Input Coupling CH 1 : 50 Ohm DC 61.006 SET Input Coupling CH 2 : 50 Ohm DC 61.007 SET A and B SEC/DIV : 10ns 61.007 SET X10 MAG : On 61.007 SET Delta : V and t Off 61.007 SET TRACKING : INDEP 61.007 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO LVL, VERT, DC 61.008 DISP CH 1 VAR : In detent (locked CW) 61.008 DISP CH 2 VAR : In detent (locked CW) 61.008 DISP A and B SEC/DIV VAR : In detent (locked CW) 61.008 DISP TRIG HOLDOFF : fully CW 61.008 DISP TRIG LEVEL : Midrange 61.008 DISP TRACE SEP : Fully CW 61.009 HEAD {A TRIGGER: DC COUPLING, CH 1} 61.010 DISP Connect the 606xx to UUT Channel 1 using a type N to 61.010 DISP BNC adapter and a BNC cable. 61.011 6060 150mVpp 250MH -D S L 61.012 EVAL Is trigger jitter < 50ps (0.05 divisions)? 62.001 SET A and B SEC/DIV : 2us 62.001 SET X10 MAG : Off 62.002 6060 35mVpp 50MH -D S L 62.003 EVAL Is display triggered? 63.001 6060 100mVpp 150MH -D S L 63.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 64.001 6060 150mVpp 250MH -D S L 64.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 65.001 HEAD {A TRIGGER: NOISE REJ COUPLING, CH 1} 65.002 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO LVL, VERT, NOISE 65.003 6060 120mVpp 50MH -D S L 65.004 EVAL Is display triggered? 66.001 6060 300mVpp 150MH -D S L 66.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 67.001 6060 450mVpp 250MH -D S L 67.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 68.001 HEAD {A TRIGGER: HF REJ COUPLING, CH 1} 68.002 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO LVL, VERT, HF REJ 68.003 6060 120mVpp 50MH -D S L 68.004 EVAL Is display freerun, No trigger? 69.001 6060 300mVpp 150MH -D S L 69.002 EVAL Is display freerun, No trigger? 70.001 HEAD {A TRIGGER: LF REJ COUPLING, CH 1} 70.002 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO LVL, VERT, LF REJ 70.003 6060 50mVpp 50MH -D S L 70.004 EVAL Is display triggered? 71.001 6060 100mVpp 150MH -D S L 71.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 72.001 6060 150mVpp 250MH -D S L 72.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 73.001 HEAD {A TRIGGER: AC COUPLING, CH 1} 73.002 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO LVL, VERT, AC 73.003 6060 35mVpp 50MH -D S L 73.004 EVAL Is display triggered? 74.001 6060 100mVpp 150MH -D S L 74.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 75.001 6060 150mVpp 250MH -D S L 75.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 76.001 HEAD {A TRIGGER: DC COUPLING, ADD MODE} 76.002 SET Channels : 1;Off 2;Off 3;Off 4;Off 76.002 SET ADD: On 76.002 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO LVL, VERT, DC 76.003 6060 35mVpp 50MH -D S L 76.004 EVAL Is display triggered? 77.001 6060 100mVpp 150MH -D S L 77.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 78.001 6060 150mVpp 250MH -D S L 78.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 79.001 HEAD {A TRIGGER: NOISE REJ COUPLING, ADD MODE} 79.002 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO LVL, VERT, NOISE 79.003 6060 120mVpp 50MH -D S L 79.004 EVAL Is display triggered? 80.001 6060 300mVpp 150MH -D S L 80.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 81.001 6060 450mVpp 250MH -D S L 81.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 82.001 HEAD {A TRIGGER: HF REJ COUPLING, ADD MODE} 82.002 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO LVL, VERT, HF REJ 82.003 6060 120mVpp 50MH -D S L 82.004 EVAL Is display freerun, No trigger? 83.001 6060 300mVpp 150MH -D S L 83.002 EVAL Is display freerun, No trigger? 84.001 HEAD {A TRIGGER: LF REJ COUPLING, ADD MODE} 84.002 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO LVL, VERT, LF REJ 84.003 6060 50mVpp 50MH -D S L 84.004 EVAL Is display triggered? 85.001 6060 100mVpp 150MH -D S L 85.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 86.001 6060 150mVpp 250MH -D S L 86.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 87.001 HEAD {A TRIGGER: AC COUPLING, ADD MODE} 87.002 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO LVL, VERT, AC 87.003 6060 35mVpp 50MH -D S L 87.004 EVAL Is display triggered? 88.001 6060 100mVpp 150MH -D S L 88.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 89.001 6060 150mVpp 250MH -D S L 89.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 90.001 DISP Connect the 606xx to UUT Channel 2 using a type N to 90.001 DISP BNC adapter and a BNC cable. 90.002 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO LVL, VERT, DC 90.003 6060 35mVpp 50MH -D S L 90.004 EVAL Is display triggered? 91.001 6060 100mVpp 150MH -D S L 91.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 92.001 6060 150mVpp 250MH -D S L 92.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 93.001 HEAD {A TRIGGER: DC COUPLING, CH 2} 93.002 SET Channels : 1;Off 2;On 3;Off 4;Off 93.002 SET ADD: Off 93.003 6060 35mVpp 50MH -D S L 93.004 EVAL Is display triggered? 94.001 6060 100mVpp 150MH -D S L 94.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 95.001 6060 150mVpp 250MH -D S L 95.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 96.001 HEAD {A TRIGGER: DC COUPLING, CH 3} 96.002 DISP Connect the 606xx to UUT Channel 3 using a type N to 96.002 DISP BNC adapter, a BNC cable, and a 50 Ohm terminator. 96.003 SET Channels : 1;Off 2;Off 3;On 4;Off 96.004 6060 18mVpp 50MH -D S L 96.005 EVAL Is display triggered? 97.001 6060 50mVpp 150MH -D S L 97.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 98.001 6060 75mVpp 250MH -D S L 98.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 99.001 HEAD {A TRIGGER: DC COUPLING, CH 4} 99.002 DISP Connect the 606xx to UUT Channel 4 using a type N to 99.002 DISP BNC adapter, a BNC cable, and a 50 Ohm terminator. 99.003 SET Channels : 1;Off 2;Off 3;Off 4;On 99.004 6060 18mVpp 50MH -D S L 99.005 EVAL Is display triggered? 100.001 6060 50mVpp 150MH -D S L 100.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 101.001 6060 75mVpp 250MH -D S L 101.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 102.001 HEAD {B TRIGGER: DC COUPLING, CH 1} 102.002 DISP Connect the 606xx to UUT Channel 1 using a type N to 102.002 DISP BNC adapter and a BNC cable. 102.003 DISP TRIG LEVEL : Fully CW 102.004 DISP Pull the B SEC/DIV knob out and set it 1 switch setting 102.004 DISP (CW) faster than the A SEC/DIV setting, then push the 102.004 DISP B SEC/DIV knob back in. 102.005 OPBR Is the readout displaying t? 102.006 JMPF 102.008 102.007 DISP Press the t button in and release it to select 102.007 DISP the DLY function. 102.008 DISP Rotate the REF or DLY POS control CCW until the 102.008 DISP readout display indicates zero delay (The display will 102.008 DISP indicate DLY?, which is normal). 102.009 SET TRIGGER : +, TRIG, VERT, DC 102.009 SET Channels : 1;On 2;Off 3;Off 4;Off 102.010 6060 35mVpp 50MH -D S L 102.011 MESS Adjust TRIGGER LEVEL if necessary for a stable display. 102.012 EVAL Is display triggered? 103.001 6060 100mVpp 150MH -D S L 103.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 104.001 6060 150mVpp 250MH -D S L 104.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 105.001 HEAD {B TRIGGER: NOISE REJ COUPLING, CH 1} 105.002 SET TRIGGER : +, TRIG, VERT, NOISE 105.003 6060 120mVpp 50MH -D S L 105.004 EVAL Is display triggered? 106.001 6060 300mVpp 150MH -D S L 106.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 107.001 6060 450mVpp 250MH -D S L 107.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 108.001 HEAD {B TRIGGER: LF REJ COUPLING, CH 1} 108.002 SET TRIGGER : +, TRIG, VERT, LF REJ 108.003 6060 50mVpp 50MH -D S L 108.004 EVAL Is display triggered? 109.001 6060 100mVpp 150MH -D S L 109.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 110.001 6060 150mVpp 250MH -D S L 110.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 111.001 HEAD {B TRIGGER: AC COUPLING, CH 1} 111.002 SET TRIGGER : +, TRIG, VERT, AC 111.003 6060 35mVpp 50MH -D S L 111.004 EVAL Is display triggered? 112.001 6060 100mVpp 150MH -D S L 112.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 113.001 6060 150mVpp 250MH -D S L 113.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 114.001 HEAD {B TRIGGER: DC COUPLING, ADD MODE} 114.002 SET Channels : 1;Off 2;Off 3;Off 4;Off 114.002 SET ADD: On 114.002 SET TRIGGER : +, TRIG, VERT, DC 114.003 6060 35mVpp 50MH -D S L 114.004 EVAL Is display triggered? 115.001 6060 100mVpp 150MH -D S L 115.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 116.001 6060 150mVpp 250MH -D S L 116.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 117.001 HEAD {B TRIGGER: NOISE REJ COUPLING, ADD MODE} 117.002 SET TRIGGER : +, TRIG, VERT, NOISE 117.003 6060 120mVpp 50MH -D S L 117.004 EVAL Is display triggered? 118.001 6060 300mVpp 150MH -D S L 118.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 119.001 6060 450mVpp 250MH -D S L 119.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 120.001 HEAD {B TRIGGER: LF REJ COUPLING, ADD MODE} 120.002 SET TRIGGER : +, TRIG, VERT, LF REJ 120.003 6060 50mVpp 50MH -D S L 120.004 EVAL Is display triggered? 121.001 6060 100mVpp 150MH -D S L 121.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 122.001 6060 150mVpp 250MH -D S L 122.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 123.001 HEAD {B TRIGGER: AC COUPLING, ADD MODE} 123.002 SET TRIGGER : +, TRIG, VERT, AC 123.003 6060 35mVpp 50MH -D S L 123.004 EVAL Is display triggered? 124.001 6060 100mVpp 150MH -D S L 124.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 125.001 6060 150mVpp 250MH -D S L 125.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 126.001 DISP Connect the 606xx to UUT Channel 2 using a type N to 126.001 DISP BNC adapter and a BNC cable. 126.002 SET TRIGGER : +, TRIG, VERT, DC 126.003 6060 35mVpp 50MH -D S L 126.004 EVAL Is display triggered? 127.001 6060 100mVpp 150MH -D S L 127.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 128.001 6060 150mVpp 250MH -D S L 128.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 129.001 HEAD {B TRIGGER: DC COUPLING, CH 2} 129.002 SET Channels : 1;Off 2;On 3;Off 4;Off 129.002 SET ADD: Off 129.003 6060 35mVpp 50MH -D S L 129.004 EVAL Is display triggered? 130.001 6060 100mVpp 150MH -D S L 130.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 131.001 6060 150mVpp 250MH -D S L 131.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 132.001 HEAD {B TRIGGER: DC COUPLING, CH 3} 132.002 DISP Connect the 606xx to UUT Channel 3 using a type N to 132.002 DISP BNC adapter, a BNC cable, and a 50 Ohm terminator. 132.003 SET Channels : 1;Off 2;Off 3;On 4;Off 132.004 6060 18mVpp 50MH -D S L 132.005 EVAL Is display triggered? 133.001 6060 50mVpp 150MH -D S L 133.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 134.001 6060 75mVpp 250MH -D S L 134.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 135.001 HEAD {B TRIGGER: DC COUPLING, CH 4} 135.002 DISP Connect the 606xx to UUT Channel 4 using a type N to 135.002 DISP BNC adapter, a BNC cable, and a 50 Ohm terminator. 135.003 SET Channels : 1;Off 2;Off 3;Off 4;On 135.004 6060 18mVpp 50MH -D S L 135.005 EVAL Is display triggered? 136.001 6060 50mVpp 150MH -D S L 136.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 137.001 6060 75mVpp 250MH -D S L 137.002 EVAL Is display triggered? 138.001 MESS 138.002 DISP Disconnect the 606xx from the UUT. 138.003 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 138.004 SET Channels : 1;On 2;On 3;On 4;On 138.004 SET ADD: Off 138.004 SET CHOP/ALT : ALT 138.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 1 : .1V 138.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 2 : .1V 138.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 3 : .1V 138.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 4 : .1V 138.005 SET Input Coupling CH 1 : 50 Ohm DC 138.005 SET Input Coupling CH 2 : 1 MOhm DC 138.005 SET A and B SEC/DIV : 10us 138.005 SET TRIGGER : +, NORM, VERT, DC 138.006 HEAD {COMPOSITE TRIGGERING} 138.007 DISP Connect the CG5011 Pulse Head to UUT Channel 1 and 2 138.007 DISP using a BNC T and two BNC cables. 138.007 DISP 138.007 DISP Connect the 606xx to the UUT Channel 3 and 4 138.007 DISP using a type N to BNC adapter, BNC cables, a BNC T, 138.007 DISP and a 50 Ohm terminator. 138.008 5011 136.5mVpp 100kH -D S L 138.009 6060 700mVpp 100kH -D S L 138.010 MESS Does the display trigger as the TRIGGER LEVEL control 138.011 EVAL is rotated through its range? 139.001 5011 136.5mVpp 100kH -D S L 139.002 6060 700mVpp 100kH -D S L 139.003 DISP Pull the B SEC/DIV knob out, rotate it to 5ęs, and 139.003 DISP push it back in. 139.003 DISP Rotate the REF or DLY POS control CCW until the 139.003 DISP delay readout indicates DLY? 0.00us. 139.004 EVAL is rotated through its range? 140.001 MESS 140.002 DISP Rotate the B SEC/DIV knob back to 10us. 140.002 DISP Disconnect the PULSE HEAD and 6060B from the UUT. 140.003 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 140.004 SET Channels : 1;On 2;Off 3;Off 4;Off 140.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 1 : 50mV 140.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 2 : 50mV 140.004 SET Input Coupling CH 1 : 1 MOhm DC 140.004 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTOL, VERT, NOISE 140.005 HEAD {TRIGGER NOISE REJECTION: CH 1} 140.006 DISP Connect the CG5011 Pulse Head to UUT Channel 1. 140.007 5011 20mVpp 10kH -D S 140.008 EVAL Will display trigger? [N] 141.001 5011 20mVpp 10kH -D S 141.002 DISP Pull the B SEC/DIV knob out, rotate it to 5us, and 141.002 DISP push it back in. 141.003 EVAL Will display trigger for any setting of the LEVEL control? [N] 142.001 DISP Rotate the B SEC/DIV knob back to 10us. 142.002 HEAD {TRIGGER NOISE REJECTION: CH 2} 142.003 DISP Connect the CG5011 Pulse Head to UUT Channel 2. 142.004 5011 20mVpp 10kH -D S 142.005 SET Channels : 1;Off 2;On 3;Off 4;Off 142.006 EVAL Will display trigger? [N] 143.001 5011 20mVpp 10kH -D S 143.002 DISP Pull the B SEC/DIV knob out, rotate it to 5us, and 143.002 DISP push it back in. 143.003 EVAL Will display trigger for any setting of the LEVEL control? [N] 144.001 DISP Rotate the B SEC/DIV knob back to 10us. 144.002 HEAD {TRIGGER NOISE REJECTION: CH 3} 144.003 DISP Connect the CG5011 Pulse Head to UUT Channel 3. 144.004 5011 20mVpp 10kH -D S 144.005 SET Channels : 1;Off 2;Off 3;On 4;Off 144.006 EVAL Will display trigger? [N] 145.001 5011 20mVpp 10kH -D S 145.002 DISP Pull the B SEC/DIV knob out, rotate it to 5us, and 145.002 DISP push it back in. 145.003 EVAL Will display trigger for any setting of the LEVEL control? [N] 146.001 DISP Rotate the B SEC/DIV knob back to 10us. 146.002 HEAD {TRIGGER NOISE REJECTION: CH 4} 146.003 DISP Connect the CG5011 Pulse Head to UUT Channel 4. 146.004 5011 20mVpp 10kH -D S 146.005 SET Channels : 1;Off 2;Off ;Off 4;On 146.006 EVAL Will display trigger? [N] 147.001 5011 20mVpp 10kH -D S 147.002 DISP Pull the B SEC/DIV knob out, rotate it to 5us, and 147.002 DISP push it back in. 147.003 EVAL Will display trigger for any setting of the LEVEL control? [N] 148.001 DISP Rotate the B SEC/DIV knob back to 10us. 148.001 DISP Disconnect the PULSE HEAD from the UUT. 148.002 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 148.003 SET Channels 1;On 2;Off 3;Off 4;Off 148.003 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 1 : 5V 148.003 SET Input Coupling CH 1 : 1 MOhm DC 148.003 SET A and B SEC/DIV : 2ms 148.003 SET X10 MAG : Off 148.003 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO, LINE, AC 148.004 HEAD {SLOPE SELECTION AND LINE TRIGGER} 148.005 DISP Attach the 10X probe to the CH 1 or X input and the 148.005 DISP probe tip to the AC power source. 148.005 DISP ********************* CAUTION ********************* 148.005 DISP DO NOT connect probe ground lead to AC power source. 148.006 MESS Can display be triggered in both the + (plus) and 148.006 MESS - (minus) positions of the SLOPE switch using the 148.007 EVAL TRIGGER LEVEL control? 149.001 MESS 149.002 EVAL Does the displayed slope agree with the selected slope? 150.001 MESS Does the display phase shift slightly as the TRIGGER 150.002 EVAL COUPLING switch is changed from AC to DC? 151.001 MESS 151.002 DISP Disconnect the probe from the AC power source and then 151.002 DISP the UUT. 151.003 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 151.004 SET Channels : 1;On 2;Off 3;Off 4;Off 151.004 SET ADD : Off 151.004 SET INVERT : Off 151.004 SET CHOP/ALT : ALT 151.004 SET BW LIMIT : Off 151.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 1 : .5V 151.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 3 : .1V 151.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 4 : .1V 151.005 SET Input Coupling CH 1 : 1 MOhm DC 151.005 SET A and B SEC/DIV : .2us 151.005 SET X10 MAG : Off 151.005 SET Delta : V and t Off 151.005 SET TRACKING : INDEP 151.005 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO LVL, VERT, DC 151.006 DISP CH 1 VAR : In detent (locked CW) 151.006 DISP A and B SEC/DIV VAR : In detent (locked CW) 151.006 DISP TRIGGER HOLDOFF : In detent (locked CW, B ENDS A) 151.006 DISP TRIGGER LEVEL : Midrange 151.007 HEAD {HORIZONTAL DISPLAY MODES: A, A INTEN, ALT, & B} 151.008 DISP Connect the CG5011 Pulse Head to UUT Channel 1. 151.009 5011 0.2uT -D S 151.010 DISP Adjust the TRIGGER LEVEL control as necessary for a 151.010 DISP stable signal display. 151.010 DISP Pull the B SEC/DIV knob out and set the B TRIGGER MODE 151.010 DISP to RUN AFT DLY. 151.010 DISP Set the REF or DLY POS control for a DLY readout 151.010 DISP of approx. 1000ns. 151.011 MESS Is there an intensified zone on the displayed signal 151.012 EVAL near graticule center? 152.001 MESS 152.002 5011 0.2uT -D S 152.003 DISP Rotate the REF or DLY POS control to center the 152.003 DISP intensified zone on one of the time markers near 152.003 DISP graticule center. 152.003 DISP Set the B SEC/DIV control to 50ns (knob out). 152.003 DISP Rotate the TRACE SEP control CCW to separate the A and 152.003 DISP B sweep displays. 152.004 EVAL Is the {B sweep displayed with the A sweep}? 153.001 5011 0.2uT -D S 153.002 DISP Push the B SEC/DIV knob in. 153.003 EVAL Is {only the B sweep displayed}? 154.001 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 154.002 DISP TRACE SEP : Fully CW 154.003 HEAD {A TIMING: UNMAGNIFIED} 154.004 MEM2 =A Sweep 154.005 ASK+ N 154.006 5011 10 10nT 0.875% 155.001 5011 20 20nT 0.875% 156.001 5011 50 50nT 0.875% 157.001 5011 0.1 0.1uT 0.875% 158.001 5011 0.2 0.2uT 0.875% 159.001 5011 0.5 0.5uT 0.875% 160.001 5011 1.0 1.0uT 0.875% 161.001 5011 2.0 2.0uT 0.875% 162.001 5011 5.0 5.0uT 0.875% 163.001 5011 10 10uT 0.875% 164.001 5011 20 20uT 0.875% 165.001 5011 50 50uT 0.875% 166.001 5011 0.1 0.1mT 0.875% 167.001 5011 0.2 0.2mT 0.875% 168.001 5011 0.5 0.5mT 0.875% 169.001 5011 1.0 1.0mT 0.875% 170.001 5011 2.0 2.0mT 0.875% 171.001 5011 5.0 5.0mT 0.875% 172.001 5011 10 10mT 0.875% 173.001 5011 20 20mT 0.875% 174.001 5011 50 50mT 0.875% 175.001 5011 0.1 0.1T 0.875% 176.001 5011 0.2 0.2T 0.875% 177.001 5011 0.5 0.5T 0.875% 178.001 ASK- N 178.002 HEAD {A TIMING: X10} 178.003 SET X10 MAG : On 178.004 MESS Adjust Stimulus for a UUT Reading of 1.0 Marker/Div. 178.005 5011 0.1 0.01uT 1.375% 179.001 5011 0.2 0.02uT 1.375% 180.001 5011 0.5 0.05uT 1.375% 181.001 5011 1.0 0.1uT 1.375% 182.001 5011 2.0 0.2uT 1.375% 183.001 5011 5.0 0.5uT 1.375% 184.001 5011 10 1uT 1.375% 185.001 5011 20 2uT 1.375% 186.001 5011 50 5uT 1.375% 187.001 5011 0.1 0.01mT 1.375% 188.001 5011 0.2 0.02mT 1.375% 189.001 5011 0.5 0.05mT 1.375% 190.001 5011 1.0 0.1mT 1.375% 191.001 5011 2.0 0.2mT 1.375% 192.001 5011 5.0 0.5mT 1.375% 193.001 5011 10 1mT 1.375% 194.001 5011 20 2mT 1.375% 195.001 5011 50 5mT 1.375% 196.001 5011 0.1 0.01T 1.375% 197.001 5011 0.2 0.02T 1.375% 198.001 5011 0.5 0.05T 1.375% 199.001 MESS 199.002 HEAD {A CURSOR RANGE} 199.003 DISP Rotate the REF or DLY POS control CCW until the 199.003 DISP cursor stops moving. 199.004 MESS Does the {Delta REF cursor align with the 1st graticule} 199.005 EVAL line with +-0.2 division? 200.001 DISP Rotate the control CW until the cursor stops 200.001 DISP moving. 200.002 MESS Does the {Delta cursor align with the 11th graticule} 200.003 EVAL line with +-0.2 division? 201.001 MESS 201.002 HEAD {A CURSOR ACCURACIES} 201.003 SET A and B SEC/DIV : 10ns 201.004 DISP Rotate the REF or DLY and the controls to 201.004 DISP precisely superimpose the cursors near the 2nd graticule 201.004 DISP line. 201.005 EVAL Does {Delta t readout indicate difference of 0.30ns or less}? 202.001 DISP Rotate the REF or DLY and the controls to 202.001 DISP precisely superimpose the cursors near the 10th 202.001 DISP graticule line. 202.002 EVAL Does {Delta t readout indicate difference of 0.30ns or less}? 203.001 SET X10 MAG : Off 203.002 HEAD {B TIMING: UNMAGNIFIED} 203.003 MEM2 =B Sweep 203.004 ASK+ N 203.005 DISP Set UUT A Sweep to the .1us/div range. 203.005 DISP Pull the B SEC/DIV knob out to activate the B Sweep. 203.005 DISP Press A/B TRIG to select B as trigger source. 203.005 DISP Set UUT B Sweep to the 10ns/div range. 203.005 DISP Push the B SEC/DIV knob in. 203.006 ASK- R 203.007 5011 10 10nT 0.875% 204.001 ASK+ R 204.002 5011 20 20nT 0.875% 205.001 5011 50 50nT 0.875% 206.001 DISP Set UUT A Sweep to the 10us/div range. 206.002 5011 0.1 0.1uT 0.875% 207.001 5011 0.2 0.2uT 0.875% 208.001 5011 0.5 0.5uT 0.875% 209.001 5011 1.0 1.0uT 0.875% 210.001 5011 2.0 2.0uT 0.875% 211.001 5011 5.0 5.0uT 0.875% 212.001 DISP Set UUT A Sweep to the 1ms/div range. 212.002 5011 10 10uT 0.875% 213.001 5011 20 20uT 0.875% 214.001 5011 50 50uT 0.875% 215.001 5011 0.1 0.1mT 0.875% 216.001 5011 0.2 0.2mT 0.875% 217.001 5011 0.5 0.5mT 0.875% 218.001 DISP Set UUT A Sweep to the .1s/div range. 218.002 5011 1.0 1.0mT 0.875% 219.001 5011 2.0 2.0mT 0.875% 220.001 5011 5.0 5.0mT 0.875% 221.001 5011 10 10mT 0.875% 222.001 5011 20 20mT 0.875% 223.001 5011 50 50mT 0.875% 224.001 ASK- N 224.002 HEAD {B TIMING: X10} 224.003 SET X10 MAG : On 224.004 DISP Set UUT A Sweep to the 10us/div range. 224.004 DISP Pull the B SEC/DIV knob out to activate the B Sweep. 224.004 DISP Press A/B TRIG to select B as trigger source. 224.004 DISP Set UUT B Sweep to the .1us/div range. 224.004 DISP Push the B SEC/DIV knob in. 224.005 MESS Adjust Stimulus for a UUT Reading of 1.0 Marker/div. 224.006 ASK- R 224.007 5011 0.1 0.01uT 1.375% 225.001 ASK+ R 225.002 5011 0.2 0.02uT 1.375% 226.001 5011 0.5 0.05uT 1.375% 227.001 5011 1.0 0.1uT 1.375% 228.001 5011 2.0 0.2uT 1.375% 229.001 5011 5.0 0.5uT 1.375% 230.001 DISP Set UUT A Sweep to the 1ms/div range. 230.002 5011 10 1uT 1.375% 231.001 5011 20 2uT 1.375% 232.001 5011 50 5uT 1.375% 233.001 5011 0.1 0.01mT 1.375% 234.001 5011 0.2 0.02mT 1.375% 235.001 5011 0.5 0.05mT 1.375% 236.001 DISP Set UUT A Sweep to the .1s/div range. 236.002 5011 1.0 0.1mT 1.375% 237.001 5011 2.0 0.2mT 1.375% 238.001 5011 5.0 0.5mT 1.375% 239.001 5011 10 1mT 1.375% 240.001 5011 20 2mT 1.375% 241.001 5011 50 5mT 1.375% 242.001 MESS 242.002 SET X10 MAG : Off 242.003 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 242.004 SET X10 MAG : On 242.004 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO LVL, VERT, DC 242.004 SET A and B SEC/DIV : 20ns 242.004 SET Delta : V and t Off 242.005 HEAD {DELTA TIME DISPLAY ACCURACY} 242.006 DISP Pull the B SEC/DIV knob out and rotate it to 10ns. 242.006 DISP Press A/B TRIG. 242.006 DISP Push the B SEC/DIV knob in. 242.007 5011 20nT -D S 242.008 DISP Adjust the REF or DLY POS control for a readout 242.008 DISP display of DLY 21.25ns. 242.009 DISP Adjust Horizontal POSITION control to display leading 242.009 DISP edge of the 2nd time marker near graticule center. 242.009 DISP This is the reference point for the following procedure. 242.010 SET Delta : t On 242.011 DISP Rotate the control for a readout display of 242.011 DISP -20.0ns. 242.012 MESS Superimpose the time markers. 242.013 EVAL Is the {Delta Time Readout -19.75 to -20.25 ns}? 243.001 5011 20nT -D S 243.002 MESS Rotate the control CW to superimpose the next 243.002 MESS successive time marker on the reference time marker. 243.003 EVAL Is the {Delta Time Readout -0.20 to 0.20 ns}? 244.001 5011 20nT -D S 244.002 EVAL Is the {Delta Time Readout 19.75 to 20.25 ns}? 245.001 5011 20nT -D S 245.002 EVAL Is the {Delta Time Readout 39.70 to 40.30 ns}? 246.001 5011 20nT -D S 246.002 EVAL Is the {Delta Time Readout 59.60 to 60.40 ns}? 247.001 5011 20nT -D S 247.002 EVAL Is the {Delta Time Readout 79.55 to 80.45 ns}? 248.001 5011 20nT -D S 248.002 EVAL Is the {Delta Time Readout 99.50 to 100.50 ns}? 249.001 5011 20nT -D S 249.002 EVAL Is the {Delta Time Readout 119.45 to 120.55 ns}? 250.001 5011 20nT -D S 250.002 EVAL Is the {Delta Time Readout 139.40 to 140.60 ns}? 251.001 5011 20nT -D S 251.002 EVAL Is the {Delta Time Readout 159.30 to 160.70 ns}? 252.001 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 252.002 SET A and B SEC/DIV : 50ns 252.002 SET Delta : V and t Off 252.003 HEAD DELTA TIME DISPLAY ACCURACY 252.004 DISP Pull the B SEC/DIV knob out and rotate it to 10ns. 252.004 DISP Press A/B TRIG. 252.004 DISP Push the B SEC/DIV knob in. 252.005 5011 50nT -D S 252.006 DISP Adjust the REF or DLY POS control for a readout 252.006 DISP display of DLY 53.2ns. 252.007 DISP Adjust Horizontal POSITION control to display leading 252.007 DISP edge of the 1st time marker near graticule center. 252.007 DISP This is the reference point for the following procedure. 252.008 SET Delta : t On 252.009 DISP Rotate the control for a readout display of 252.009 DISP -50.0ns. 252.010 MESS Superimpose the time markers. 252.011 EVAL Is the {Delta Time Readout -49.3 to -50.7 ns}? 253.001 5011 50nT -D S 253.002 MESS Rotate the control CW to superimpose the 2nd 253.002 MESS successive time marker on the reference time marker. 253.003 EVAL Is the {Delta Time Readout 49.3 to 50.7 ns}? 254.001 5011 50nT -D S 254.002 MESS Rotate the control CW to superimpose the 9th 254.002 MESS successive time marker on the reference time marker. 254.003 EVAL Is the {Delta Time Readout 398.3 to 401.7 ns}? 255.001 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 255.002 SET X10 MAG : On 255.002 SET TRACKING : On 255.002 SET A and B SEC/DIV : .1us 255.003 HEAD {DELAYED SWEEP DELTA TIME ACCURACY} 255.004 DISP Pull the B SEC/DIV knob out and rotate it to 10ns. 255.005 DISP Adjust the control for a t readout of 255.005 DISP 800.0ns. 255.005 DISP Rotate the TRACE SEP control CCW to separate the traces. 255.006 MESS Adjust the Horizontal POSITION control to align the 255.006 MESS leading edge of the 2nd time marker on the A sweep with 255.006 MESS the 2nd vertical graticule line. 255.006 MESS Adjust the REF or DLY POS control to display the 255.006 MESS leading edges of the displayed B sweep time markers in 255.006 MESS the center area of the graticule. 255.006 MESS Adjust the control to superimpose the B sweep 255.006 MESS time markers. 255.007 5011 0.1uT -D S 255.008 EVAL Is the t readout 797.6 to 802.4 ns? 256.001 DISP A SEC/DIV : .2us 256.001 DISP B SEC/DIV : 20ns 256.002 5011 0.2uT -D S 256.003 EVAL Is the t readout 1595.2 to 1604.8 ns? 257.001 DISP A SEC/DIV : .5us 257.001 DISP B SEC/DIV : 50ns 257.002 5011 0.5uT -D S 257.003 EVAL Is the t readout 3988 to 4012 ns? 258.001 SET X10 MAG : Off 258.002 DISP A SEC/DIV : 1us 258.002 DISP B SEC/DIV : 10ns 258.003 5011 1uT -D S 258.004 EVAL Is the t readout 7.976 to 8.024 us? 259.001 DISP A SEC/DIV : 2us 259.001 DISP B SEC/DIV : 20ns 259.002 MESS Adjust the control to superimpose the B sweep 259.002 MESS time markers. 259.003 5011 2uT -D S 259.004 EVAL Is the t readout 15.952 to 16.048 us? 260.001 DISP A SEC/DIV : 5us 260.001 DISP B SEC/DIV : 50ns 260.002 5011 5uT -D S 260.003 EVAL Is the t readout 39.88 to 40.12 us? 261.001 DISP A SEC/DIV : 10us 261.001 DISP B SEC/DIV : .1us 261.002 5011 10uT -D S 261.003 EVAL Is the t readout 79.76 to 80.24 us? 262.001 DISP A SEC/DIV : 20us 262.001 DISP B SEC/DIV : .2us 262.002 5011 20uT -D S 262.003 EVAL Is the t readout 159.52 to 160.48 us? 263.001 DISP A SEC/DIV : 50us 263.001 DISP B SEC/DIV : .5us 263.002 5011 50uT -D S 263.003 EVAL Is the t readout 398.8 to 401.2 us? 264.001 DISP A SEC/DIV : .1ms 264.001 DISP B SEC/DIV : 1us 264.002 5011 0.1mT -D S 264.003 EVAL Is the t readout 797.6 to 802.4 us? 265.001 DISP A SEC/DIV : .2ms 265.001 DISP B SEC/DIV : 2us 265.002 5011 0.2mT -D S 265.003 EVAL Is the t readout 1595.2 to 1604.8 us? 266.001 DISP A SEC/DIV : .5ms 266.001 DISP B SEC/DIV : 5us 266.002 5011 0.5mT -D S 266.003 EVAL Is the t readout 3988 to 4012 us? 267.001 DISP A SEC/DIV : 1ms 267.001 DISP B SEC/DIV : 10us 267.002 5011 1mT -D S 267.003 EVAL Is the t readout 7.976 to 8.024 ms? 268.001 DISP A SEC/DIV : 2ms 268.001 DISP B SEC/DIV : 20us 268.002 5011 2mT -D S 268.003 EVAL Is the t readout 15.952 to 16.048 ms? 269.001 DISP A SEC/DIV : 5ms 269.001 DISP B SEC/DIV : 50us 269.002 5011 5mT -D S 269.003 EVAL Is the t readout 39.88 to 40.12 ms? 270.001 DISP A SEC/DIV : 10ms 270.001 DISP B SEC/DIV : .1ms 270.002 5011 10mT -D S 270.003 EVAL Is the t readout 79.76 to 80.24 ms? 271.001 DISP A SEC/DIV : 20ms 271.001 DISP B SEC/DIV : .2ms 271.002 5011 20mT -D S 271.003 EVAL Is the t readout 159.52 to 160.48 ms? 272.001 DISP A SEC/DIV : 50ms 272.001 DISP B SEC/DIV : .5ms 272.002 5011 50mT -D S 272.003 EVAL Is the t readout 398.8 to 401.2 ms? 273.001 DISP Push in the B SEC/DIV knob. 273.001 DISP Rotate the TRACE SEP control fully CW. 273.001 DISP A SEC/DIV : .1s 273.001 DISP B SEC/DIV : 1ms 273.002 5011 0.1T -D S 273.003 EVAL Is the t readout 797.6 to 802.4 ms? 274.001 DISP A SEC/DIV : .2s 274.001 DISP B SEC/DIV : 2ms 274.002 5011 0.2T -D S 274.003 EVAL Is the t readout 1587.2 to 1612.8 ms? 275.001 DISP A SEC/DIV : .5s 275.001 DISP B SEC/DIV : 5ms 275.002 5011 0.5T -D S 275.003 EVAL Is the t readout 3968 to 4032 ms? 276.001 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 276.002 SET TRACKING : INDEP 276.002 SET A and B SEC/DIV : 1ms 276.003 HEAD {DELAY JITTER} 276.004 DISP Pull the B SEC/DIV knob out and rotate it to 5us. 276.005 5011 1mT -D S 276.006 DISP Align the intensified zones with the 10th time marker 276.006 DISP using the REF or DLY POS and controls. 276.006 DISP Superimpose the zones to obtain a t readout 276.006 DISP display of 0.000ms. 276.007 DISP Push in the B SEC/DIV knob and adjust TRACE SEP to 276.007 DISP separate the traces. 276.008 MESS Is there 0.8 division or less of horizontal jitter on 276.009 EVAL the rising edge of both time markers? 277.001 MESS 277.002 ASK- R 277.003 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 277.004 SET Delta : V and t Off 277.004 SET A and B SEC/DIV : 10us 277.005 DISP A and B SEC/DIV VAR : 20.0us 277.006 HEAD {A SEC/DIV VAR RANGE AND ACCURACY} 277.007 5011 5 10uT 2% 278.001 DISP A and B SEC/DIV VAR : Fully CCW 278.002 EVAL Is sweep-speed readout 30.0us? 279.001 5011 3.3 10uT 2% 280.001 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 280.002 SET Delta : V and t Off 280.002 SET A and B SEC/DIV : 50us 280.003 DISP A and B SEC/DIV VAR : In detent (locked CW) 280.004 HEAD {B SEC/DIV VAR RANGE AND ACCURACY} 280.005 DISP Pull the B SEC/DIV knob out and rotate it to 10us and 280.005 DISP push it in. 280.005 DISP Press A/B TRIG for B TRIGGER MODE. 280.005 DISP Adjust the REF or DLY POS control for 0.0us. 280.006 DISP A and B SEC/DIV VAR : 20.0us 280.007 5011 5 10uT 2% 281.001 DISP A and B SEC/DIV VAR : Fully CCW 281.002 EVAL Is sweep-speed readout 30.0us? 282.001 5011 3.3 10uT 2% 283.001 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 283.002 SET Channels : 1;Off 2;On 3;Off 4;Off 283.002 SET ADD : Off 283.002 SET BW LIMIT : Off 283.002 SET A and B SEC/DIV : X-Y 283.002 SET Input Coupling CH 1 : 1 MOhm DC 283.002 SET Input Coupling CH 2 : 1 MOhm GND 283.003 DISP A and B SEC/DIV VAR : In detent (locked CW) 283.004 MEM2 =CH 1 and CH 2 283.005 HEAD {X-AXIS GAIN} 283.006 MESS Adjust Stimulus for a UUT horizontal reading of 5.0 div. 283.007 5011 10 50mVpp 1U 1kH 284.001 DISP Disconnect the PULSE HEAD from the UUT. 284.002 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 284.003 SET Input Coupling CH 1 : 50 Ohm DC 284.004 HEAD {X-AXIS BANDWIDTH} 284.005 DISP Connect the 606xx to UUT Channel 1 using a type N to 284.005 DISP BNC adapter and a BNC cable. 284.006 MESS Adjust Stimulus for a UUT horizontal reading of 6.0 div. 284.007 6060 10 60mVpp 100kH N L 284.008 MESS Adjust Stimulus for a UUT horizontal reading of 4.2 div. 284.009 6060 3MH -300% mVpp -D L 285.001 MESS 285.002 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 285.003 SET Channels 1;Off 2;Off 3;Off 4;Off 285.004 HEAD {X-Y PHASE DIFFERENTIAL} 285.005 6060 60mVpp 1MH -D S L 285.006 DISP Use the CH 1 VERTICAL POSITION control to vertically 285.006 DISP center the display on the graticule. 285.007 EVAL Is {Elipse opening 0.1 div. or less, measured horizontally}? 286.001 6060 60mVpp 2MH -D S L 286.002 EVAL Is {Elipse opening 0.3 div. or less, measured horizontally}? 287.001 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 287.002 SET Channels 1;Off 2;On 3;Off 4;Off 287.003 HEAD {X-AXIS LOW-FREQUENCY LINEARITY} 287.004 6060 20mVpp 100kH -D S L 287.005 DISP Use the CH 1 POSITION control to align the left edge of 287.005 DISP the signal with the left side vertical graticule line. 287.006 EVAL Is the {display 1.8 to 2.2 divisions measured horizontally}? 288.001 6060 20mVpp 100kH -D S L 288.002 DISP Use the CH 1 POSITION control to align the right edge of 288.002 DISP the signal with the right side vertical graticule line. 288.003 EVAL Is the {display 1.8 to 2.2 divisions measured horizontally}? 289.001 DISP Disconnect the 6060B from the UUT. 289.002 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 289.003 SET Channels : 1;On 2;On 3;Off 4;Off 289.003 SET ADD : Off 289.003 SET INVERT : Off 289.003 SET CHOP/ALT : CHOP 289.003 SET BW LIMIT : Off 289.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 1 : .1V 289.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 2 : .1V 289.004 SET Input Coupling CH 1 : 1 MOhm DC 289.004 SET Input Coupling CH 2 : 50 Ohm DC 289.004 SET A and B SEC/DIV : 1ms 289.004 SET X10 MAG : Off 289.004 SET Delta : V and t Off 289.004 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO LVL, CH 1, DC 289.005 DISP CH 1 VAR : In detent (locked CW) 289.005 DISP CH 2 VAR : In detent (locked CW) 289.005 DISP A and B SEC/DIV VAR : In detent (locked CW) 289.005 DISP TRIG HOLDOFF : fully CW 289.005 DISP TRIG LEVEL : Midrange 289.006 HEAD {CALIBRATOR REPETITION RATE} 289.007 DISP Connect the 10X probe from the UUT CALIBRATOR output to 289.007 DISP the CH 1 or X input. 289.007 DISP 289.008 DISP Connect the CG5011 Pulse Head to UUT Channel 2. 289.009 5011 1mT -D S 289.010 EVAL Is {horizontal drift for any time marker less than 1 div/s}? 290.001 5011 1mT -D S 290.002 SET Channels : 1;On 2;Off 3;Off 4;Off 290.002 SET A and B SEC/DIV : .1s 290.003 MESS Is {1 cycle displayed per 2 horizontal divisions for} 290.004 EVAL {each position of the A SEC/DIV switch from 0.1s to 0.1us}? 291.001 MESS 291.002 DISP Disconnect the PULSE HEAD and probe from the UUT. 291.003 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 291.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 1 : .5V 291.004 SET A and B SEC/DIV : 1ms 291.005 DISP INTENSITY : Fully CW 291.006 HEAD {EXTERNAL Z-AXIS OPERATION} 291.007 DISP Connect the CG5011 Pulse Head to UUT Channel 1 and EXT 291.007 DISP Z-AXIS (on rear) using a BNC T and two BNC cables. 291.008 5011 2Vpp 1kH -D S 291.009 EVAL Is {positive portion of the 4-division signal blanked out}? 292.001 DISP Disconnect the PULSE HEAD from the UUT. 292.002 HEAD {A AND B GATE OUTPUTS AND TRIGGER HOLDOFF} 292.003 OPBR These tests require a test oscilloscope. 292.003 OPBR Do you wish to perform the tests? 292.004 JMPT 292.007 292.005 RSLT =****** NOT TESTED ****** 292.006 JMP 298.002 292.007 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 292.008 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO, CH 1, DC 292.008 SET Delta : V and t Off 292.008 SET A and B SEC/DIV : .1ms 292.009 DISP TRIG HOLDOFF : Fully CCW 292.010 DISP INTENSITY : Midrange 292.011 HEAD A AND B GATE OUTPUTS AND TRIGGER HOLDOFF 292.012 DISP Pull out the B SEC/DIV knob, rotate it to 50us and 292.012 DISP push it in. 292.012 DISP Adjust the REF or DLY POS control for zero DLY 292.012 DISP readout. 292.013 DISP Connect a Test Oscilloscope to the UUT A GATE OUT 292.013 DISP (on rear). 292.014 MESS Is the {test oscilloscope displaying a signal with a} 292.014 MESS {high level between 2.4 and 5.0 V and a} 292.015 EVAL {low level between 0.0 and 0.4 V}? 293.001 MESS 293.002 EVAL Is the {duration of the high level between 1.0 and 1.2 ms}? 294.001 EVAL Is the {duration of the low level between 80 and 150 us}? 295.001 DISP TRIG HOLDOFF : Fully CW (but not locked) 295.002 EVAL Did {duration of the low level increase at least 10 times}? 296.001 DISP Move the cable from the A GATE OUT to the B GATE OUT. 296.002 MESS Is the {test oscilloscope displaying a signal with a} 296.002 MESS {high level between 2.4 and 5.0 V and a} 296.003 EVAL {low level between 0.0 and 0.4 V}? 297.001 MESS 297.002 EVAL {Is the duration of the high level between 500 and 600 us}? 298.001 DISP Disconnect the Test Oscilloscope from the UUT. 298.002 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 298.003 SET Channels : 1;Off 2;Off 3;Off 4;Off 298.003 SET ADD : Off 298.003 SET INVERT : Off 298.003 SET CHOP/ALT : ALT 298.003 SET BW LIMIT : Off 298.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 1 : .1V 298.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 2 : .1V 298.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 3 : .1V 298.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 4 : .1V 298.004 SET Input Coupling CH 1 : 1 MOhm DC 298.004 SET Input Coupling CH 2 : 1 MOhm DC 298.005 SET A and B SEC/DIV : 1ms 298.005 SET X10 MAG : Off 298.005 SET Delta : V and t Off 298.005 SET TRACKING : INDEP 298.005 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO LVL, VERT, DC 298.006 DISP CH 1 VAR : In detent (locked CW) 298.006 DISP CH 2 VAR : In detent (locked CW) 298.006 DISP A and B SEC/DIV VAR : In detent (locked CW) 298.006 DISP TRIG HOLDOFF : B ENDS A (locked CW) 298.006 DISP TRIG LEVEL : Midrange 298.006 DISP TRACE SEP : Fully CW 298.007 HEAD {ALT, CHOP, ADD, AND TRACE SEP} 298.008 EVAL Is the {CH 1 trace displayed}? 299.001 SET Channels : 1;Off 2;On 3;Off 4;Off 299.002 EVAL Is the {CH 1 trace not displayed and CH 2 trace displayed}? 300.001 SET Channels : 1;On 2;On 3;Off 4;Off 300.002 EVAL Are the {CH 1 and CH 2 traces displayed}? 301.001 SET ADD : On 301.002 EVAL Is a {third trace (ADD) displayed}? 302.001 SET Channels : 1;On 2;On 3;On 4;Off 302.002 EVAL Is the {CH 3 trace displayed}? 303.001 SET Channels : 1;On 2;On 3;On 4;On 303.002 EVAL Is the {CH 4 trace displayed}? 304.001 SET A and B SEC/DIV : 50ms 304.002 MESS Are the {5 the traces displayed alternately in the} 304.003 EVAL {sequence: CH 1, CH 2, ADD, CH 3, CH4}? 305.001 SET TRIGGER : +, SGL SEQ, VERT, DC 305.002 MESS Are {no further traces displayed after the current} 305.003 EVAL {sequence of traces completed}? 306.001 SET TRIGGER : +, SGL SEQ, LINE, DC 306.002 MESS Do the {5 signal traces appear once (in sequence) when} 306.002 MESS {the TRIGGER MODE switch is pressed down and released,} 306.002 MESS {the readout display flash once, and the scale} 306.003 EVAL {illumination flashes on and off}? 307.001 MESS 307.002 SET CHOP/ALT: CHOP 307.002 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO LVL, LINE, DC 307.003 EVAL Do the {5 traces appear to be displayed simultaneously}? 308.001 SET CHOP/ALT: ALT 308.001 SET TRIGGER : +, AUTO LVL, CH 4, DC 308.001 SET A and B SEC/DIV : 20us 308.002 DISP TRACE SEP : CCW until traces are separated. 308.002 DISP Pull th B SEC/DIV knob out and rotate it to 10us. 308.003 MESS Does an {alternate B sweep trace appear for each A} 308.004 EVAL {sweep trace (10 traces total)}? 309.001 MESS 309.002 HEAD CONTROL SETTIGS 309.003 SET Channels : 1;On 2;Off 3;Off 4;Off 309.003 SET ADD : Off 309.003 SET A and B SEC/DIV : 1ms 309.003 SET X10 MAG : On 309.004 DISP Horizontal POSITION : Midrange 309.004 DISP Ch 1 VERITCAL POSITION : Midrange 309.005 HEAD {BEAM FIND OPERATION} 309.006 DISP Press and hold the BEAM FIND button in. 309.007 EVAL Is the {trace less than 10 divisions long}? 310.001 MESS Does the {trace remain in the graticule area as the} 310.001 MESS {CH 1 POSITION control and the Horizontal POSITION} 310.002 EVAL {control are rotated through their complete ranges}? 311.001 MESS 311.002 DISP Horizontal POSITION : Midrange 311.002 DISP Ch 1 VERITCAL POSITION : Midrange 311.003 HEAD CONTROL SETTINGS 311.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 1 : .1V 311.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 2 : .1V 311.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 3 : .1V 311.004 SET VOLTS/DIV CH 4 : .1V 311.005 HEAD {PROBE ENCODING} 311.006 DISP Note the CH 1 readout. 311.007 DISP Connect the standard accessory 10X probe (encoded) to 311.007 DISP the CH 1 or X input. 311.008 EVAL Did the {CH 1 readout change from 100mV to 1V}? 312.001 SET Channels : 1;Off 2;On 3;Off 4;Off 312.002 DISP Note the CH 2 readout. 312.003 DISP Connect the standard accessory 10X probe (encoded) to 312.003 DISP the CH 2 input. 312.004 EVAL Did the {CH 2 readout change from 100mV to 1V}? 313.001 SET Channels : 1;Off 2;Off 3;On 4;Off 313.002 DISP Note the CH 3 readout. 313.003 DISP Connect the standard accessory 10X probe (encoded) to 313.003 DISP the CH 3 input. 313.004 EVAL Did the {CH 3 readout change from 0.1V to 1V}? 314.001 SET Channels : 1;Off 2;Off 3;Off 4;On 314.002 DISP Note the CH 4 readout. 314.003 DISP Connect the standard accessory 10X probe (encoded) to 314.003 DISP the CH 4 input. 314.004 EVAL Did the {CH 4 readout change from 0.1V to 1V}? 315.001 HEAD CONCLUSION OF THE PROCEDURE 315.002 DISP Disconnect all leads from the calibration system first 315.002 DISP and then from the oscilloscope. 315.002 DISP Switch off the oscilloscope and disconnect it from the 315.002 DISP line power. 315.003 END